CHARME Project Rebuilding Process
For the first weeks I was to help our Instructor Mario rebuild the walls for the portions that had totally collapsed. The wall was built and restored using the "Rubble Wall" style of masonry In which the outer portions of the wall our built up first, and then the interior is filled with mortar, and then smaller irregular stones are placed in the cavity. This week I went about taking pictures of the progress for one section of wall we were working on.
The first step was to remove all loose and unstable stones and all old mortar, once this was done mortar was spread over the remaining stones and then brushed with a wet brush. This would then create a layer of mortar that would dry giving a clean working surface
Here the old mortar can be seen, having become corroded to the point of appearing like dirt. The new mortar, a gray color, is then brushed over the stone once the old mortar is removed.
Laying first course after cleaning the remaining stones.
Finished section