Galleria Romanelli, Plaster Casting and Finishing
Once the mold is finished casting can be accomplished. When using a vinyl mold there will be errors sometime as vinyl is not as accurate a material as doing a silicone mold, but once it is cast in plaster, the plaster cast can be cleaned up with hand tools to remove some of the imperfections. Sometimes if the mold is not made correctly, or with certain designs, the original clay model may become destroyed in removal of the mold. My clay sculpture lost part of a leaf, but I was able to fix it as the clay was still somewhat wet. Other designs may be destroyed in the process though.
Once the plaster Cast has been cleaned up, it can then be used for a more permanent version of a clay sculpture, or sold on its own. If selling some prefer the blank white plaster, but other times a wash or patina can help show details more effectively in the final product.
Two bowls of plaster poured into the mold.
Fresh plaster cast. Some clay from the original model came out in the plaster cast. This can be removed by hand later.
Evening out a border that was difficult to work when it was in clay. As the clay got wet or dried these corners would bend and warp. For clearer lines it may be better to cast something in plaster and then finish it.
Here an imperfection from the vinyl pour can be seen as a white line in the plaster cast. Tools can be used to clean up the final product.
The plaster cast is cleaned and ready for finishing. It is left to dry for a few days
Clay is mixed with water to create a simple wash. A brush can be used to get deep places on the cast, while a sponge can be used for large flat areas.
Wash completed and drying off.